Dart SNMP Library 4.0
Project Overview
Dart SNMP Library 4.0
Class ModuleDescription
AgentProvides SNMP agent functionality.
AuthoritativeEngineHolds SNMPv3 security parameters for the authoritative engine.
ClassFactoryUse to create a licensed runtime instance of the Manager or Agent class for environments that don't implement ClassFactory2.
EngineHolds remote authoritative engine information.
EngineMapHolds a map of Engine objects containing SNMPv3 security parameters that are indexed by IPEndPoint.
IPEndPointDescribes an IP address, port, and version (4 or 6).
IPEndPointListA list of IPEndPoint objects.
ManagerProvides SNMP manager functionality.
MibUsed for managing and importing MIB definitions.
MibNodeRepresents OIDs (object IDs) defined in MIB files. Used to interpret variable IIDs (instance IDs) that are found in message variable bindings.
MibNodeMapA dictionary of MibNode objects that can be indexed into by Oid or Name.
MibTrapRepresents SMIv1 enterprise-specific traps.
MibTrapMapHolds MibTrap objects, indexed by name.
SecurityHolds SNMPv3 security details.
SnmpMessageRepresents a decoded SNMP message, or a message to be encoded.
StringListA list of strings.
UserStores credentials used to authenticate and encrypt/decrypt SNMPv3 packets.
UserListA list of User objects.
UserMapHolds user details for an AuthoritativeEngine.
VariableHolds an ID and its associated value and definition.
VariableListHolds a list of Variable objects.
Public Enumerations
AuthenticationConstantsAuthentication protocol used for hashing and authenticating version 3 packets.
DeliveryConstantsEnumerates a received or sent operation.
ErrorConstantsValues of the Error Property.
GenericTrapConstantsGenericTrap is used for Trap version 1 PDUs.
PduConstantsValue of SnmpMessage.Type indicates the PDU type.
PrivacyConstantsPrivacy protocol used to encrypt/decrypt version 3 packets.
ReportConstantsPossible values of the SnmpMessage.Security.ReportFlag property.
SecurityLevelConstantsSecurity level used for the scoped PDU.
ThreadingConstantsSpecifies the desired threading technique.
UsageConstantsEnumerates the usage of a MibNode.
VariableAccessConstantsEnumerates the access privilege of a MibNode.
VariableStatusConstantsVariable status from MIB.
VariableTypeConstantsEnumerates possible Variable value types.

PowerSNMP for ActiveX Documentation Version 4.0
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