Dart SNMP Library 4.0
ReportConstants Enumeration
Possible values of the SnmpMessage.Security.ReportFlag property.
reportAuthenticationFailed6Digest included in packet did not match the computed digest.
reportBadPrivacyPassword7Privacy password failed to decrypt packet.
reportDecryptionFailed1An error occurred while decrypting a message. Could be caused by a PrivacyProtocol miss-match.
reportNone0No report should be generated.
reportNotInTimeWindow5Packet time or boots is outside the 150 sec. time window defined by the authoritative engine.
reportUnknownEngineId3The engine ID in the packet did not match our authoritative engine.
reportUnknownUsername2The username in the packet was not found in the authoritative engine.
reportUnsupportedSecurityLevel4Packet contains a security level that does not match the security level of the username in the authoritative engine.

PowerSNMP for ActiveX Documentation Version 4.0
© 2018 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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