Member | Value | Description |
typeCounter | 5 | Data type is an unsigned 32 bit integer that represents a counter. |
typeCounter64 | 11 | Data type is an unsigned 64 bit integer. |
typeEndOfMibView | 14 | End of MIB has been reached. |
typeGauge | 6 | Data type is an unsigned 32 bit integer that represents a gauge. Use for Unsigned32 tags also. |
typeInteger | 1 | Data type is a signed 32 bit integer. |
typeIpAddress | 4 | Data type is a string that represents an IP Address in dot notation. |
typeNoSuchInstance | 13 | IID does not exactly match the name of any accessible variable. |
typeNoSuchObject | 12 | IID prefix does not match prefix of any accessible variable. |
typeNSAPAddress | 9 | Data type is a byte array that represents an NSAP Address. |
typeNull | 0 | Data type is NULL. Used for requests. |
typeObjectID | 3 | Data type is a string that represents an object identifier. |
typeOctetString | 2 | Data type is a byte array interpreted as an ASCII string. |
typeOpaque | 8 | Data type is a byte array usually interpreted as a binary blob. |
typeTimeTicks | 7 | Data type is an unsigned 32 bit integer that represents time ticks |
typeUInteger | 10 | Data type is an unsigned 32 bit integer. Obsolete. |