The following tables list the members exposed by Multipart.
Public Fields
| Name | Description |
 | Alternative |
String used to initialize ContentType.MediaType to "multipart/alternative".
 | Mixed |
String used to initialize ContentType.MediaType to "multipart/mixed".
 | Related |
String used to initialize ContentType.MediaType to "multipart/related".
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | Attachments |
Get a generic List containing all the Attachments within this part and sub-parts.
 | ContentType |
Gets or sets the "Content-Type" header field for the part.
(Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | Headers | Provides a Part.Headers instance that lists all unique header fields. (Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | Html |
Gets or sets the HTML text body.
 | Length | Overridden.
Returns the approximate Length of the encoded part.
 | Parts | A Part list that contains all the parts in the Multipart. |
 | Resources |
Get a generic List containing all the Resources within this part and sub-parts.
 | Tag |
Gets or sets an object that stores any user data.
(Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | Text |
Gets or sets the plain text body.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | Clear | Overridden.
Reinitializes the part to default values.
 | Clone | Overridden. Creates a deep copy of the Multipart, but deep/shallow copies of its Parts. Attachments and Resources are shallow copies, Textparts and Htmlparts are deep copies. |
 | Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden.
Releases all resources associated with the object.
 | FindHtml | Finds the first Htmlpart, recursively searching Parts (depth before breadth). |
 | FindParent | Performs a recursive search to find the "parent" Part of the specified child within this Multipart. |
 | FindText | Finds the first Textpart, recursively searching Parts (depth before breadth). |
 | GetContentEncodingStream | Overridden. Returns a Stream that encodes when System.IO.Stream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32) is used and decodes when System.IO.Stream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32) is used. |
 | GetDecodingExceptions |
Returns Exceptions created during decoding.
(Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | GetEncodingStream | Returns a Stream that encodes when System.IO.Stream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32) is used and decodes when System.IO.Stream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32) is used. (Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | ToArray |
Returns the encoded MIME entity as a byte array.
(Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
 | ToString | Overloaded.
Returns the MIME entity as a String.
(Inherited from Dart.Mail.Part) |
See Also