| Name | Description |
 | AcceptLanguage |
"Accept-Language". Language(s) for auto-responses. RFC 4021.
 | AutoSubmitted |
"Auto-Submitted". Automatically submitted indicator. RFC 4021.
 | Bcc |
"bcc". Can be set in the header to indicate where "blind carbon copies" should be sent, but is not included in the encoded header.
 | Cc |
"Cc". Carbon-copy recipient mailbox(es). RFC 822, 1123.
 | Comments |
"Comments". Additional comments about the message. RFC 822.
 | ContentDescription |
"Content-Description". Description of a particular body part of a message. RFC 1521.
 | ContentDisposition |
"Content-Disposition". Whether a MIME body part is to be shown inline or is an attachment;
can also indicate a suggested filename for use when saving an attachment to a file. RFC 1806.
 | ContentId |
"Content-ID". Unique ID of this message. RFC 1521.
 | ContentLanguage |
"Content-Language". RFC 1766.
 | ContentMD5 |
"Content-MD5". Checksum of content to ensure it has not been modified. RFC 1864.
 | ContentTransferEncoding |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding". Coding method used in a MIME message body. RFC 1521.
 | ContentType |
"Content-Type". Format of content. RFC 1049, 1123, 1521, 1766.
 | Date |
"Date". Date and time message was written. RFC 822, 1123, 1036.
 | DeferredDelivery |
"Deferred-Delivery". Deferred delivery information. RFC 4021.
 | DeliveryReport |
 | DispositionNotificationOptions |
"Disposition-Notification-Options". Disposition notification options. RFC 4021.
 | DispositionNotificationTo |
"Disposition-Notification-To". Mailbox for sending disposition notification. RFC 4021.
 | Encrypted |
"Encrypted". Message encryption information. RFC 4021.
 | From |
"From". Mailbox of message author. RFC 822, 1123, 1036.
 | InReplyTo |
"In-Reply-To." Reference to message which this message is a reply to. RFC 822.
 | Keywords |
"Keywords". Message key words for data base retrieval. RFC 822, 1036.
 | LatestDeliveryTime |
"Latest-Delivery-Time". Latest delivery timer requested. RFC 4021.
 | ListArchive |
"List-Archive". URL of mailing list archive. RFC 4021.
 | ListHelp |
"List-Help". URL for mailing list information. RFC 4021.
 | ListID |
"List-ID". Mailing list identifier. RFC 4021.
 | ListOwner |
"List-Owner". URL for mailing list owner's mailbox. RFC 4021.
 | ListPost |
"List-Post". URL for mailing list posting. RFC 4021.
 | ListSubscribe |
"List-Subscribe". URL for mailing list subscription. RFC 4021.
 | ListUnsubscribe |
"List-Unsubscribe". URL for mailing list unsubscription. RFC 4021.
 | MessageContext |
"Message-Context". Type or context of message. RFC 4021.
 | MessageID |
"Message-ID". Unique ID of this message. RFC 822, 1036.
 | MimeVersion |
"MIME-Version". An indicator that this message is formatted according to the MIME standard, and an indication of which version of MIME is utilized. RFC 1521.
 | OriginalMessageID |
"Original-Message-ID". Original message identifier. RFC 4021.
 | OriginatorReturnAddress |
"Originator-Return-Address". RFC 4021.
 | Path |
 | Priority |
"Priority". Message priority. RFC 1327.
 | Received |
"Received". Trace of MTAs which a message has passed. RFC 822, 1123.
 | References |
"References". Related message identifier(s). RFC 822, 1036.
 | ReplyTo |
"Reply-To". RFC 822, 2822.
 | ReturnPath |
"Return-Path". Used to convey the information from the MAIL FROM envelope attribute in final delivery,
when the message leaves the SMTP environment in which "MAIL FROM" is used. RFC 821, 1123.
 | ReturnReceiptTo |
 | Sender |
"Sender". The person or agent submitting the message to the network, if other than shown by the From: header. RFC 822, 1123.
 | Status |
"Status". A non-standard header field used by some servers to indicate the status of delivery for the message.
 | Subject |
"Subject". Topic of message. RFC 822, 1036.
 | To |
"To". Primary recipient mailbox(es). RFC 822, 1123.
 | XPriority |
"X-Priority". Message priority. RFC 4021.