PowerSNMP for .NET
Dart.Snmp Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAgent Specializes packet communications for the transport of SNMP messages between agents and managers.
ClassAuthoritativeEngine Holds authoritative engine information that is used by SNMPv3 authentication processing.
ClassComponentBase Base class for PowerTCP Components.
ClassDartLicenseException Used for all Dart component license exceptions.
ClassDecodingException A DecodingException is thrown when there is an error decoding the encoded message.
ClassDevice A Device with an associated IP endpoint.
ClassDeviceProgressEventArgs Provides data for the Devices.Progress event.
ClassDevices Used to discover SNMP Agents or Devices that respond to a ping, or check their SNMP or ping status.
ClassEngine Holds authoritative engine information sent between SNMP entities.
ClassErrorEventArgs Provides data for the Error event.
ClassGetBulkMessage The GetBulkMessage class can be used to request large amounts of information from SNMP version 2/3 agents.
ClassGetMessage Used to request IID values from SNMP agents.
ClassGetNextMessage Used to request information about IIDs from SNMP agents while discovering what IIDs that agent manages.
ClassInformMessage The InformMessage class is used to send acknowleged traps between SNMP version 2/3 entities.
ClassIPEndPoint Allows user to specify a range of IPEndPoints for local binding. Also resolves hostnames and saves them for future use.
ClassLicense This class is used to license Dart products in any environment. If your project targets the .NET Framework, you can use the licenses.licx file to trigger the license compiler (LC.EXE) and these manual steps are not needed.
ClassLogEventArgs Provides data for the SnmpBase.Log event.
ClassManager Specializes packet communications for the transport of SNMP messages between managers and agents.
ClassMessageBase The MessageBase class is the abstract base class for all SNMP messages. Serializable.
ClassMessageEventArgs Provides data for the SnmpBase.Message event.
ClassMibDefinition Base class containing members that are common to MibNode and MibTrap.
ClassMibNode This class is used to represent nodes and objects defined in MIB files.
ClassMibNodes The MibNodes class localizes all MIB file management to a single class.
ClassMibTrap This class is used to represent SNMPv1 traps defined in MIB files.
ClassMibTraps A collection of SNMPv1 trap types.
ClassModule Contains all names either imported or defined within a module.
ClassReportMessage Used to send user-defined information.
ClassRequestMessage RequestMessage is the base class for all request messages: SetMessage, GetMessage, GetNextMessage, GetBulkMessage and InformMessage. Serializable.
ClassResponseMessage Used to send information about IIDs from an SNMP agent to a manager.
ClassSafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Adds thread safety to Dictionary methods implemented in this class.
ClassSecurity This class controls Version 3 authentication and privacy procedures.
ClassSegment Used to describe a byte[] segment that holds data.
ClassSequence A tagged type representing a sequence of tagged types.
ClassSequenceOf A tagged type representing a sequence of tagged types that are ordered and of the same type.
ClassSessionSecurity Security configuration for SNMPv3 entities.
ClassSetMessage The SetMessage class is used to send update information from an SNMP version 1/2/3 manager to an agent.
ClassSetOf A tagged type representing a sequence of tagged types that are of the same type.
ClassSimpleTaggedType The SimpleTaggedType class is the base class for all encoded value types in an SNMP message.
ClassSnmpBase Base class used by Agent and Manager for common functionality.
ClassSnmpSocket Provides communications that can be invoked in parallel on multiple worker threads.
ClassSocketBase Base class for PowerTCP Components.
ClassSocketOption Contains socket options that may be set by TCP and UDP sockets. These options are automatically applied to the connection used.
ClassStandardMessage StandardMessage is the base class for all SNMP messages except Trap1Message. Serializable.
ClassTableEventArgs Provides data for the Table event.
ClassTaggedType The TaggedType class is the base class for the SimpleTaggedType class.
ClassTrap1Message Used to send SNMP version 1 traps from an agent to a manager.
ClassTrap2Message The Trap2Message class is used by agents to notify managers of an event. Uses SNMP version 2/3 encoding and is the functional equivalent of the Trap1Message used by SNMP version 1.
ClassTrapUserList List of User objects used for authenticating and decrypting SNMPv3 traps. Lock on SyncRoot if thread-safety is required.
ClassUser Provides username and passwords used to authenticate and encrypt/decrypt SNMP version 3 packets.
ClassUserStateEventArgs Provides data for ComponentBase.UserState. Base class for EventArgs that have Message and UserState properties.
ClassVariable A Sequence that contains an Id and a SimpleTaggedType.
ClassVariableCollection A Sequence that contains a collection of Variable objects.
ClassVariableList Used to hold the MIB data managed by the Agent.
ClassWalkEventArgs Provides data for the Manager.Walk event.
DelegateNotificationReceived References the method to invoke on an IO completion thread as each message is received.
DelegateRequestReceived References the method to invoke on an IO completion thread as each RequestMessage is received.
DelegateResponseReceived References the method to invoke on an IO completion thread when SnmpSocket.GetResponseAsync completes.
DelegateThreadStart Represents the method that will be called on a new worker thread.
EnumerationAccess Defines the operation allowed to a MibNode object.
EnumerationAuthenticationProtocol Defines the algorithm to be used for Version 3 message authentication.
EnumerationDeliveryStatus Enumerates a value that indicates the last action performed on the encoded message.
EnumerationDeviceOperation Enumerates the Device operation.
EnumerationDeviceStatus Enumerates possible statuses for each Device.
EnumerationErrorCode Defines the possible ErrorCode values returned in DecodingException.
EnumerationErrorStatus Defines the possible values returned in ResponseMessage.ErrorStatus
EnumerationLanguage Defines the programming language used to output generated classes that derive from MibNode.
EnumerationNodeName Defines the names of all the intrinsic MibNode names that can be used to lookup MibNode instances in the MibNodes dictionary.
EnumerationPrivacyProtocol Defines the algorithm to be used for Version 3 message encryption.
EnumerationReportType Defines the possible values of ReportMessage.Type and Security.ReportFlag.
EnumerationSecurityLevel Represents the security level specified in an SNMPv3 message.
EnumerationSecurityModel Security model. Provides end-to-end encryption when Transport.DTLS is specified.
EnumerationSnmpVersion Defines the possible Version values in MessageBase.
EnumerationStatus Defines the current implementation status of the MibNode object.
EnumerationTransport Transport layer. Provides end-to-end encryption when Transport.DTLS is specified.
EnumerationTrapName Defines the names of all the intrinsic trap names that can be used to lookup MibTrap instances in the MibNodes.MibTraps dictionary.
EnumerationUsage Indicates the Usage of each class derived from MibNode.
See Also


Dart.Snmp Assembly
PowerSNMP for .NET Documentation Version 7.0
© 2023 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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