Most server applications should be installed on the "Server" version of NT 4.0 and NT 2000. "Workstation" versions limit the number of pending connections, which can cause "connection refused" errors on the browser side when heavy loads are experienced. This is the only known limitation; therefore, most Servers installed on these systems work well under low and medium loading conditions.
Like most controls, PowerTCP Server Controls are apartment model threaded. All events fire on the same thread that created the control. Consequently, any processing that takes place within the body of an event, such as the Get event, normally block processing of all other events fired on the same thread. Thus, any lengthy database query made within the body of an event could negatively impact other connections, because those additional connections would not be serviced until the first was completed. Consequently, the design is a single control with asynchronous support.
Although this approach is less "pure" than having a dedicated thread for each TCP connection, it is useful for servers that anticipate high loading, while maintaining simplicity and speed of operation for developers anticipating medium to light loads.