PowerTCP SSH and SFTP for .NET
Dart.Ssh Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassBannerEventArgs Provides data for the SshConnection.Banner event.
ClassBaseEventArgs Base class for event arguments.
ClassBaseStream Abstract base class for ZipEncryptingStream, ZipDecryptingStream, AesEncryptingStream, AesDecryptingStream, UtilityStream and ZStream.
ClassChallengeEventArgs Provides data for the SshConnection.Challenge event.
ClassChannelPacket Class used to interpret the contents of a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA packet.
ClassComLicense This class is used to license products that use a COM interface.
ClassComponentBase Base class for PowerTCP Components.
ClassConnection Establishes an encrypted TCP/IP connection to an SSH-2 server.
ClassConnectionInfo Provides details about an established SSH-2 connection.
ClassCopyResult Provides the results of a copy operation (in uncompressed bytes).
ClassDartLicenseException Used for all Dart component license exceptions.
ClassData Encapsulates data read or written.
ClassDataEventArgs Provides data for reporting events.
ClassDatagram Encapsulates a datagram read into a buffer.
ClassDHGexParameters Used to specify parameters for the diffie-hellman group exchange.
ClassErrorEventArgs Provides data for the Error event.
ClassHostKeyEventArgs Provides data for the SshConnection.HostKey event.
ClassHttpProxyData The required data for connecting through an HTTP proxy.
ClassHttpProxyException May be thrown while establishing a connection through an HTTP proxy.
ClassIPEndPoint Allows user to specify a range of IPEndPoints for local binding. Also resolves hostnames and saves them for future use.
ClassLicense This class is used to license Dart products in any environment. If your project targets the .NET Framework, you can use the licenses.licx file to trigger the license compiler (LC.EXE) and these manual steps are not needed.
ClassListEntry A ListEntry returned by Sftp.List.
ClassListProgress Provides progress information during a copy operation for a list of files and folders
ClassLocalPortForwarder Forwards TCP/IP connections to a local port via the secure tunnel to another host.
ClassLogEventArgs Provides data for the SshConnection.Log event.
ClassLoginData Contains connection data for a server using generic username/password authentication.
ClassNegotiateException Thrown when KEX parameter negotiation fails.
ClassOptimizations Contains properties for optimizing file transfer speed.
ClassPacket Base class used to interpret the contents of an SSH-2 packet.
ClassProgressEventArgs Provides progress information to the user as a copy operation proceeds.
ClassRemoveResult Provides the results of a requested remove operation.
ClassSegment Used to describe a byte[] segment that holds data.
ClassSession Session over which a single program is remotely executed.
ClassSessionStream Provides a stream interface to a Session.
ClassSftp The Sftp Component represents an SFTP client connection tunneled over a SSH-2 connection.
ClassSftpException Wraps error messages sent by the SFTP server.
ClassSftpFileAttributes Provides detailed information about a file on the server. Not all fields may/must be present.
ClassSftpPacket Class used to interpret the contents of an SFTP packet.
ClassSocketBase Base class for PowerTCP Components.
ClassSsh The Ssh component is used to manage one or more SSH sessions.
ClassSshConnection SshConnection provides connection and authentication methods and properties for Sftp and Ssh classes.
ClassSshDataEventArgs Provides data for the Data event.
ClassSshLoginData Used to hold SSH login information.
ClassUnixPath Path manipulation and conversion methods compatible with Unix filesystem paths.
ClassUserStateEventArgs Provides data for ComponentBase.UserState. Base class for EventArgs that have Message and UserState properties.
ClassZStream Used as the abstract base class for CompressingStream and InflatingStream.
ClassZStreamException Indicates a failure in ZLIB compression processing.
InterfaceIComLicense This interface is used to license products that run in environments that do not provide a license compiler. If your project targets the .NET Framework, you can use the licenses.licx file to trigger the license compiler (LC.EXE) and these manual steps are not needed.
DelegateErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Error event raised by the user calling Marshal.
DelegateEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event indicating the State property value has changed.
DelegateLogEventHandler Describe the handler used for the Log event.
DelegateSftp.ProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event indicating a block of data has been copied.
DelegateSsh.SshDataEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event raised by the user calling the Marshal method.
DelegateSshConnection.BannerEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event raised when the server presents a banner to the client during authentication.
DelegateSshConnection.ChallengeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event indicating the server is challenging the client with an interactive question or questions.
DelegateSshConnection.HostKeyEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event raised when the server presents its host key for verification.
DelegateUserStateEventHandler Represents the method that will handle ComponentBase.UserState event raised by the user calling Marshal.
EnumerationConnectionState Enumerates the possible values of the connection state.
EnumerationCopyAction Enumerates the copy action desired or completed.
EnumerationCopyMode Enumerates the type of copy desired or performed.
EnumerationCopyStatus Enumerates the status of a Copy action.
EnumerationDataDirection Enumerates the direction of data flow.
EnumerationPacketMessage Enumerates the messages used by SSH-2.
EnumerationSftpMessage Enumerates SFTP message types.
EnumerationThreadingModel Specifies the available threading models.
See Also


Dart.Ssh Assembly

PowerTCP SSH and SFTP for .NET Documentation Version 7.0
© 2023 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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