Dart Smtp, Pop, Imap Controls
Certificate Property
Certificate Object to use when authenticating to the remote host.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property Certificate As ICertificate
This property is typically unused. If the server wants the client to authenticate and this property has not been set, then the Certificate event fires to allow you to set a certificate on demand.
Dim Store As New CertificateStore
Dim Certificate As Certificate
'Get the certificates in "MY" certificate store located in the
'Local Machine registry key.
Store.Name = "MY"
Store.Location = locationLocalMachine
'Must use Refresh to populate Store.Certificates
MsgBox "There are " & Store.Certificates.Count & " certificates."
'Set the certificate to the one for "DartServer"
For Each Certificate In Store.Certificates
	If Certificate.IssuedTo = "DartServer" Then
		SecureTcp1.Certificate = Certificate
		Exit For
	End If
Alternatively, you can use the Find method to set the certificate:
Dim Store As New CertificateStore
'Get the desired certificate
SecureTcp1.Certificate = Store.Find("ROOT", locationLocalMachine, g_SavedIssuedBy, g_SavedSerialNumber)
See Also

Imap Object  | Imap Members

PowerTCP Mail for ActiveX Documentation Version 2.13
© 2018 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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