| Class | Description |
 | AsciiExtensions |
Defines the file extensions to be used for ascii mode transfers.
 | BaseEventArgs |
Base class for event arguments.
 | BaseStream | Abstract base class for ZipEncryptingStream, ZipDecryptingStream, AesEncryptingStream, AesDecryptingStream, UtilityStream and ZStream. |
 | ClientSecurity |
Holds the configuration used to establish an SSL client session.
 | ComponentBase |
Base class for PowerTCP Components.
 | CopyEventArgs |
Provides copy result information to the user.
 | CopyResult |
Provides the results of a copy operation (in uncompressed bytes).
 | DartLicenseException |
Used for all Dart component license exceptions.
 | Data |
Encapsulates data read or written.
 | DataEventArgs |
Provides data for reporting events.
 | DataException |
Thrown when the expected data could not be read.
 | Datagram |
Encapsulates a datagram read into a buffer.
 | ErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the Error event. |
 | Features | Contains response to the FEAT (features) command sent by Ftp.Authenticate. |
 | Ftp |
The Ftp Component provides comprehensive file copy services to and from any File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
 | FtpProtocolException |
Thrown when an FTP protocol error or failure is encountered.
 | FtpSecurity |
Specializes the ClientSecurity class with properties used by FTP.
 | FtpSession |
Provides a holder for parameters used for many component operations.
 | IPEndPoint |
Allows user to specify a range of IPEndPoints for local binding. Also resolves hostnames and saves them for future use.
 | License |
This class is used to license Dart products in any environment.
If your project targets the .NET Framework, you can use
the licenses.licx file to trigger the license compiler (LC.EXE) and these manual steps are not needed.
 | ListEntry |
Represents each line of the textual listing received from an FTP server.
 | Listing |
Represents the textual listing received from an FTP server.
 | ListingEventArgs | Provides data for the Ftp.Listing event. |
 | ListProgress |
Provides progress information during a copy operation for a list of files and folders
 | ProgressEventArgs |
Provides progress information to the user as a copy operation proceeds.
 | ProtocolException |
Thrown when an upper-layer protocol like FTP, SMTP or POP3 receives a negative response from the server.
 | Proxy |
Describes the server proxy, if any, to connect to.
 | RemoveResult |
Provides the results of a requested remove operation.
 | Response |
Presents the response portion from an Internet protocol Request/Response pair.
 | Security |
Holds the configuration used to establish an SSL session.
 | Segment |
Used to describe a byte[] segment that holds data.
 | Session |
Holds the configuration common to UDP and TCP.
 | SocketBase |
Base class for PowerTCP Components.
 | SocketOption |
Contains socket options that may be set by TCP and UDP sockets. These options are automatically applied to the connection used.
 | TcpBase |
Base class for components utilizing protocols built upon the TCP protocol.
 | TcpSession |
Holds the configuration used by TCP.
 | TcpSocketOption |
Contains socket options that may be set by TCP sockets.
 | UnixPath |
Path manipulation and conversion methods compatible with Unix filesystem paths.
 | UserStateEventArgs | Provides data for ComponentBase.UserState. Base class for EventArgs that have Message and UserState properties. |
 | ZStream | Used as the abstract base class for CompressingStream and InflatingStream. |
 | ZStreamException |
Indicates a failure in ZLIB compression processing.