Allocate | Indicates whether space will be allocated on a server as part of the Store method. |
Authentication | Specifies the security protocol and authentication type used. |
Blocked | A True value indicates the control is currently executing a blocking method (Timeout is greater than 0), which has neither completed nor timed out with a ptTimeout error. |
Certificate | Certificate to use when authenticating to the remote host. |
Directory | Working directory on the server. |
FileStructure | File structure to be used for subsequent file transfers. |
IpV6 | Specifies whether hostname addresses should be favorably resolved to IPv6. |
Listing | Contains the listing results from the last use of the List or NameList methods. |
LocalAddress | When connected, the address of the local host in dot notation. |
LocalDataPort | Gets or sets a string used to restrict the local data port to a value or range compatible with your firewall. |
LocalPort | When connected, the port being used by the local host. |
Overwrite | Specifies if existing files should be overwritten on MGet. |
Passive | Enables firewall friendly passive connections for data transfers. |
Protocol | Specifies the security protocol(s) to advertise during SSL/TLS negotiation. |
ProxyHost | Specifies the hostname or address of the proxy server that requests are to be routed through. |
ProxyPassword | Password to be sent on all requests through a proxy server that requires authentication. |
ProxyPort | Specifies the port used by proxy server that requests are to be routed through. |
ProxyType | The type of proxy server used for this connection. |
ProxyUsername | Username to be sent on all requests through a proxy server that requires authentication. |
ReceiveBufferSize | Specifies the size of the buffer used for receiving incoming data. |
RemoteAddress | Returns the address of the remote host in dot notation (i.e. nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) when State is tcpConnected. |
RemotePort | When connected, the port being used by the remote host. |
Restart | Indicates whether the server supports a restart mechanism for file downloads. |
SecretKey | Sets the secret key used in password encryption. |
Security | Sets the security level during communication. |
SendBufferSize | Specifies the size of the buffer used for outgoing data. |
State | Provides the current state of the connection. The State event fires to signal that this property has changed. |
StoreType | Specifies the type of store transfer to perform. The default is ftpStore. |
System | Returns the type of operating system being used on the server. |
TimeOut | Controls the blocking behavior of methods that can be used in blocking and non-blocking ways. |
TransferMode | Specifies the mode to use for a file transfer. The default is ftpStream. |
Type | Specifies the data type to use for a file transfer. The default is ftpAscii. |
UseControlAddressForPassive | Used to specify the use of the Control connection IP address (rather than the one supplied by the server) to establish the data connection |
UseIpSync | Indicates whether IP/SYNC (Interrupt Process and Synch) bytes are sent with the ABOR command. |
UseSslShutdown | Specifies use of SSL Shutdown handshaking before closing |