Member | Value | Description |
ftpAbort | 22 | Ftp ABOR command. |
ftpAccount | 3 | Ftp ACCT command. |
ftpAllocate | 18 | Ftp ALLO command. |
ftpAppend | 17 | Ftp APPE command. |
ftpAuthSsl | 37 | Ftp AUTH SSL command (used with security). |
ftpAuthTls | 41 | Ftp AUTH TLS command (used with security). |
ftpAuthTlsP | 36 | Ftp AUTH TLS-P command (used with security). |
ftpCCC | 38 | Ftp CCC command (used with security). |
ftpChangeDirectory | 4 | Ftp CWD command. |
ftpChangeDirectoryUp | 5 | Ftp CDUP command. |
ftpDelete | 23 | Ftp DELE command. |
ftpEPRT | 43 | Ftp EPRT command (used with IPV6). |
ftpEPSV | 42 | Ftp EPSV command (used with IPV6). |
ftpFileStructure | 12 | Ftp STRU command. |
ftpHelp | 32 | Ftp HELP command. |
ftpList | 27 | Ftp LIST command. |
ftpMakeDirectory | 25 | Ftp MKD command. |
ftpNameList | 28 | Ftp NLST command. |
ftpNoOperation | 33 | Ftp NOOP command. |
ftpOpen | 35 | Ftp OPEN command (used with proxy). |
ftpPassive | 10 | Ftp PASV command. |
ftpPassword | 2 | Ftp PASS coomand. |
ftpPBSZ | 39 | Ftp PBSZ command (used with security). |
ftpPort | 9 | Ftp PORT command. |
ftpPrintDirectory | 26 | Ftp PWD command. |
ftpPROT | 40 | Ftp PROT command (used with security). |
ftpQuit | 7 | Ftp QUIT command. |
ftpReinitialize | 8 | Ftp REIN command. |
ftpRemoveDirectory | 24 | Ftp RMD command. |
ftpRenameFrom | 20 | Ftp RNFR command. |
ftpRenameTo | 21 | Ftp RNTO command. |
ftpRestart | 19 | Ftp REST command. |
ftpRetrieve | 14 | Ftp RETR command. |
ftpSite | 29 | Ftp SITE command. |
ftpSize | 34 | Ftp SIZE command. |
ftpStatus | 31 | Ftp STAT command. |
ftpStore | 15 | Ftp STOR command. |
ftpStoreUnique | 16 | Ftp STOU command. |
ftpStructureMount | 6 | Ftp SMNT command. |
ftpSystem | 30 | Ftp SYST command. |
ftpTransferMode | 13 | Ftp MODE command. |
ftpType | 11 | Ftp TYPE command. |
ftpUser | 1 | Ftp USER command. |
ftpUserCommand | 0 | User defined command. |