Dart Ftp Control
CommandConstants Enumeration
Enumerates the FTP commands that may be sent.
ftpAbort22Ftp ABOR command.
ftpAccount3Ftp ACCT command.
ftpAllocate18Ftp ALLO command.
ftpAppend17Ftp APPE command.
ftpAuthSsl37Ftp AUTH SSL command (used with security).
ftpAuthTls41Ftp AUTH TLS command (used with security).
ftpAuthTlsP36Ftp AUTH TLS-P command (used with security).
ftpCCC38Ftp CCC command (used with security).
ftpChangeDirectory4Ftp CWD command.
ftpChangeDirectoryUp5Ftp CDUP command.
ftpDelete23Ftp DELE command.
ftpEPRT43Ftp EPRT command (used with IPV6).
ftpEPSV42Ftp EPSV command (used with IPV6).
ftpFileStructure12Ftp STRU command.
ftpHelp32Ftp HELP command.
ftpList27Ftp LIST command.
ftpMakeDirectory25Ftp MKD command.
ftpNameList28Ftp NLST command.
ftpNoOperation33Ftp NOOP command.
ftpOpen35Ftp OPEN command (used with proxy).
ftpPassive10Ftp PASV command.
ftpPassword2Ftp PASS coomand.
ftpPBSZ39Ftp PBSZ command (used with security).
ftpPort9Ftp PORT command.
ftpPrintDirectory26Ftp PWD command.
ftpPROT40Ftp PROT command (used with security).
ftpQuit7Ftp QUIT command.
ftpReinitialize8Ftp REIN command.
ftpRemoveDirectory24Ftp RMD command.
ftpRenameFrom20Ftp RNFR command.
ftpRenameTo21Ftp RNTO command.
ftpRestart19Ftp REST command.
ftpRetrieve14Ftp RETR command.
ftpSite29Ftp SITE command.
ftpSize34Ftp SIZE command.
ftpStatus31Ftp STAT command.
ftpStore15Ftp STOR command.
ftpStoreUnique16Ftp STOU command.
ftpStructureMount6Ftp SMNT command.
ftpSystem30Ftp SYST command.
ftpTransferMode13Ftp MODE command.
ftpType11Ftp TYPE command.
ftpUser1Ftp USER command.
ftpUserCommand0User defined command.

PowerTCP FTP for ActiveX Documentation Version 2.2
© 2018 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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